NATURE project members have met today for an online project follow-up meeting. It´s hard to believe that we´re reaching the end of Year 2 landmark; time is flying!
NATURE project members have met today for an online project follow-up meeting. It´s hard to believe that we´re reaching the end of Year 2 landmark; time is flying!
Last week the second NATURE network-wide training took place at the University of Birmingham . Dr. Olivier Talon, from Materia Nova (Belgium), imparted a very interesting training entitled ” Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment”. Over 2 days, our ESRs learnt the basics of the LCA metodology. Why is it necessary? How can we perform it? How can […]
After a long visa wait, NATURE ESR1, Flore Killens, and ESR2, Claire Morand, have recently started their secondments at the University of Birmingham, where they will remain for the next 15 months. Happy faces following the ESR reunion!